Posts about Philippines Trip 2024

Praise Report

First, we wanted to thank everyone for their prayers, they were both needed and felt. Second, multiple praise reports.🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Michelle’s jaw was not dislocated and[…]

Prayer Needed

We are asking for everyone to pray for us, the team, the Access Center staff and the kids at Access Center. Members of the team[…]

Manila Update Tuesday 12/10/2024

Where to begin. First let me apologize for the delay in updates. It was a bit of a rough weekend. In the last update, I[…]

Manila Update 12/7/2024

Friday, 12/06/2024, is not a day that I will easily forget. For one, it’s Melissa’s birthday. We got the Access Center around 10:30 am, prayed,[…]

Manila Update, Thursday 12/5/24

Good morning everyone, at least it is morning in Manila. 5:45 am to be exact. Metro Manila is an interesting place. It is a collection[…]

Manila update 12/3/24

Hello everyone. Melissa, myself and rest of the team arrived safely in Manila last night, with no major snags other than forgetting one of mine[…]

Thank You

Melissa and I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers the huge outpouring of God’s provision. It has been truly amazing. We leave tomorrow night[…]

Manila Trip Update

First, we would like to apologize to everyone. A few weeks ago, we realized that many of you were not getting our update emails since[…]

The Manila Trip has been finalized

Hello all. We hope everyone is well. The trip to Manila Philippians has been finalized. We will leave November 30th and return December 15th. Which[…]

Upcoming Trip

Hello all. We hope everyone is well. Melissa and I would like to announce an upcoming trip to the Philippines in December. It started with[…]